Osaka, the start and end port for Kitamae-bune, had international ports such as “Nambatsu” and “Sumiyoshitsu” since ancient times and has been open to overseas countries such as the Korean peninsula and mainland China. In those days, many vessels entered and left Osaka, such as Kitamae-bune that traveled to Hokkaido and the area along the coast of the Sea of Japan, the Higaki-kaisen that traveled to Edo, and the Sanjikkoku-bune and Fushimi-bune that traveled to Kyoto. It was lively and described as “Defune-senso-irifune-senso” (1000 ships enter and 1000 ships depart). The white walls of the storehouses along the Aji River and the gorgeous scenery of small boats and sailors with streamers and raised flags are portrayed in the “Higakishinmenbanbune-kawaguchi-shuppan-no-zu”.
ports of call
Cultural Properties of Osaka City
Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine
A shrine where the boatmen of Kitamae-bune visited after arriving in Osaka.
Stone Lanterns of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine
About 600 stone lanterns line the grounds of Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine. There are also many lanterns dedicated here by shipping agents related to Kitamae-bune.